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Personnal Trainer

Sports coach at home or outdoors in Paris 

Urban fit boxing by qualified sports coaches in boxing and fitness

Never give up

Our qualified Sports Coaches in Boxing and fitness will help you improve your technique, your endurance, you surpass yourself physically and mentally and also fill up with confidence in order to find a balance. Beginners or confirmed, Solo or Group, we will be adapt to your expectations and help you progress. Personalized sports coaching in Paris, indoors or outdoors.

Indoor boxing lessons in Paris 

Boxing lessons, indoor fitness just a stone's throw from the Arc de Triomphe where your pleasure and comfort are our priority.

The different courses offered


Cours de Boxe

Entraînement intense

Cours de fitness

Young athlete couple doing kick boxing exercise in an old abandoned building .jpg

Cours Boxe Femme

Handsome young boxer during boxing exercises, focused on process with serious concentrated

Cours boxe enfants

groupe fitness

Coaching groupe

What are the advantages ?



​ Health Improved physical condition, weight control, reduced alcohol and tobacco consumption. Reduced risk of disease, musculoskeletal disorders, and stress. Reduced health expenditure. Gain of feeling of well-being at work and self-confidence.

So if you're ready to train hard and get better, contact us now to schedule a trial session.

An assured framework ​



Urban fit boxing adapts to your objectives, your needs, your constraints, everyone's abilities or even the space available! In addition to offering you quality adapted lessons, our coaches will take care of guaranteeing you a progress follow-up. Monitoring your progress is essential for optimal results!

Le coaching sportif en vidéo

Gérer ses émotions par la Boxe

Portrait of a confident young athlete woman posing in boxing gloves isolated over white ba

Accessible to everyone


Recommended frequency 1-2 times a week to fit your body.


 Develop your endurance, your dynamism your strength, flexibility and coordination. ​


Strengthen self-confidence.

Pour plus d'informations...
Laissez vos coordonnées 
Nous vous contacterons dans les plus bref délais.

Merci pour votre envoi !

Coaching sportif perte de poids - Coaching sportif remise en forme -
Cours de renforcement musculaire - Ventre plat -Cours de stretching - Cours de pilates
Coach sportif enfant - Coach sportif adolescent - Cours cuisses abdos fessiers - Cardio - Fit -Coaching
cardio boxing - Cours de boxe - Coach préparateur physique - Coach kickboxing - Coach fitness


Le coach sportif prendra toutes les précautions nécessaires: 

Port du masque pour le coach, désinfection des mains et du matériel après chaque séance.

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